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Documentação de redes e automação com IA.jpg

Consultoria e engenharia de redes

  • Arquitetura e engenharia de tráfego;

  • Documentação e automação de redes;

  • Monitoramento e análise de tráfego;

  • Soluções personalizadas em TI.

Solicite um contato

Coloque seus dados abaixo com atenção:

1.5M users

impacted by the networks of providers served, administered and managed by Nätverk.

More than 25 thousand km

of managed networks. To give you an idea of the distance, Brazil is 17,360km from Japan.

We are present

in all Brazilian states and also in Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina.

Over 1TB

broadband managed directly by Nätverk and its partner providers.

How much do a few hours without internet cost your company?

Operational downtime, stalled processes and frozen transactions can cause your company to lose a lot in revenue and reputation due to a poor internet connection experience.

With Natverk, you completely eliminate these risks and still optimize your networks, improving capacity and user satisfaction.

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Clients who trust our work

Our technical and customer-focused expertise has been proven by major brands:

1.5M users

impacted by the networks of providers served, administered and managed by Nätverk.

More than 25 thousand km

of managed networks. To give you an idea of the distance, Brazil is 17,360km from Japan.

We are present

in all Brazilian states and also in Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina.

Over 1TB

broadband managed directly by Nätverk and its partner providers.

Clients who trust our work

Our technical and customer-focused expertise has been proven by major brands:

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